Brand Refinement at its Finest...


The challenge...

America’s premier historic preservation window company, Graham Architectural Products, needed to reinvigorate its brand and market presence as it re-emerged from the recession of 2008. The management team knew that in order to be successful in this pursuit, they knew they couldn’t take any short cuts – they knew they had one chance and they needed it done the right way.

The solution...

I began my engagement with GAP by studying the existing brand through the eyes of their customers (primarily building owners and architects across the U.S.), and key stakeholders, including senior management and employees at every level of the company. Utilizing several qualitative and quantitative research techniques, I uncovered critical insight that led us to a very powerful, very effective brand message — a message that clearly defines the company’s vision and value proposition to all constituents who come in contact with the brand.

I guided the development of the new brand framework, including a new brand promise [YOUR VISION. OUR EXPERIENCE]; new key messages/differentiators; new look and feel and implementation plans that covered paid, owned and earned media. Before the brand was launched, an internal brand launch that would inform employees of the refined brand was crafted.

New brand guideline book designed to help employees understand the newly refined GAP brand. A printed newsletter was also produced to maintain clear communications within the organization.

New brand guideline book designed to help employees understand the newly refined GAP brand. A printed newsletter was also produced to maintain clear communications within the organization.

At the heart of the strategy was the development of a customer-centric website developed specifically with architects, building owners and general contractors in mind. 

All marketing tactics, including print and digital display ads, email campaigns, PR activities, and paid and organic search, were designed to drive potential customers to the website for the specific information they were seeking.

All marketing tactics, including print and digital display ads, email campaigns, PR activities, and paid and organic search, were designed to drive potential customers to the website for the specific information they were seeking.

All brand assets where designed to persuade GAP's target audience to visit new website.

All brand assets where designed to persuade GAP's target audience to visit new website.

The outcome of this rebranding effort could not have been more positive or significant for GAP. As a result of my experience, expertise and guidance, the company is now experiencing unprecedented growth, and their revenue pipeline has never been stronger. Within a year of launch, the new website and branding campaign had identified several hundred unique, prospective customers representing tens of millions of dollars in potential sales.